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Spicuiri dintr-un articol publicat azi in - articolul se intituleaza "Bud's Big Blunder: Letting Consultants Steer Brand - 'Drinkability' Flop at Anheuser-Busch Comes as Marketers Expand Influence of Outside Advisers on Ad Work"
"Shortly after August Busch IV was named CEO of Anheuser-Busch, he accepted a company director's recommendation for a consulting firm that would assist with managing the brewer's burgeoning brand portfolio. The firm, Cambridge Group, ended up going far beyond portfolio management. In fact, its exhaustive research resulted in the "Drinkability" campaign that -- four years and millions in fees later -- is considered a major factor in Bud Light posting the first full-year sales decline in its history.
The "Drinkability" debacle, however, resonates beyond A-B, as agencies increasingly chafe under the growing influence of consultants. Marketers are under pressure to justify their budgets, and CMOs, skating on ever-thinner ice, are trying to bring a more scientific approach to a discipline traditionally heavily reliant on gut calls. The degree to which these consultants' recommendations and findings can translate directly into creative is becoming a familiar frustration for agencies.
Consultants "can be outstanding at what they do, which is linear thinking and process," said Peter Krivkovich, CEO of independent Cramer-Krasselt. "It's just important for clients to remember that human behavior is not linear."
Executives at both Cambridge and A-B note that the consulting firm made recommendations that the brewer's executives were under no obligation to follow. But Cambridge's exhaustive findings led directly to dramatic shifts in how Budweiser and Bud Light were marketed. Each brand largely abandoned the emotional appeals that had helped them become the two largest beer brands in the U.S. for straightforward pitches about process and product attributes that coincided with worsening sales for both labels.
Executives at the shops who worked on the "Drinkability" campaign -- DDB and Euro RSCG -- say it's true they didn't take orders from Cambridge. But they add that it seemed that executives at the brewery had invested so much time, money and energy into the process that its recommendations almost always quickly became the client's."
O sa avem si noi oare in Romania o discutie mai serioasa despre asta, acum ca deja avem destule cazuri locale?
4 comentarii:
Oh ba da. Si poate fara sa stiti in ce va bagati, v-ati dorit si voi asta la un moment dat. E take it or leave it. And my, you were so close. Dar ca in orice sport romanesc, altii si-au dorit mai mult, mult mai mult victoria. Si acum au parte de ea din plin.
Gut feeling, emotional, astea-s chestii care nu au cum sa mai faca fata unui .ppt cu ultimele analize de la hocus-focus group-uri, grafice colorate si procente peste procente.
Daca ei, in America, au asemenea probleme, noi, care in mare parte am invatat pe sarite de la ei si din cultura agentiilor lor, ar cam trebui sa tragem de cateva ori mai tare ca sa putem ajunge pe drumul cel bun. Amirite?
exista cativa consultanti care ar trebui tavaliti prin fulgi si catran in IAA House pentru ce au facut din cateva marci care se scosesera binisor inainte sa vina ei cu pseudo-stiinta lor din carti.
dar fusesera prea bine platiti in prealabil ca sa nu se mearga pe mana lor; daca nu le urmai sfatul ar fi insemnat ca ai aruncat banii de pomana si nimeni nu vrea sa para prost si risipitor in fata sefilor de la centrala.
@claudiu D. - nu cred ca ma prind ce vrei sa spui. daca nu esti "confortabil" aici, sari pe
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