Cand au zis ca vin, le-am spus sa scrie un material informativ despre ei. Luand foarte in serios ce am spus noi Ben ne-a trimis urmatoarele si o fotografie (mai sus). Blur pentru ca e design CONSPIRACY...duh!
"Ben Terrett is one of the founding partners of The Design Conspiracy. The Design Conspiracy is one of the UK’s leading young design consultancies specialising in graphic design, branding and digital marketing. It is ranked by the Design Council as being in the Top 10% of UK design firms by turnover.
Founded in 2001 to create intrigue and provoke reaction, its origins date back to 1998 when five university friends got together to discuss contemporary design. These gatherings, often in dark pub corners, began to feel conspiratorial and the name was born. The company has its headquarters in Covent Garden, six full time staff (looking for the seventh now, if you’re interested?) and a client list that includes 3 Mobile, Adidas, British Red Cross, Hill & Knowlton, Jemma Kidd Make-Up, and Sainsbury’s.
Press coverage for The Design Conspiracy has included such varied media as Design Week, Marketing, the Boston Globe and USA Today, and radio coverage to date includes BBC Five Live, BBC World Service, BBC Radio 2 and Hong Kong Radio. Ben is regularly invited to comment on branding issues on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.
The Design Conspiracy have been featured as one of the “Companies That Make Things Happen” in Seth Godin’s book of the same name and are described as “doing loads of clever shit” by the Director of Culture and Learning at 3 Mobile in the UK Before all this, Ben graduated from De Montfort University with a BA Hons in Graphic Design, worked for an internet design consultancy that burst with the bubble, a pharmaceutical ad agency and an architecture practice that designed four (good) zones within the Millennium Dome. He won the Royal Society of Art’s Student Design Award for Graphics which led to his project being used by the British Government. Since 2004, Ben has sat on the RSA’s Marketing Panel. The Panel advises the RSA on marketing, PR and branding.
Ben was born the same year Jaws was released and lives in London with his wife and son who was born the same year Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith was released."
si mai multe la http://thedesignconspiracy.typepad.com/weblog/2006/05/why_are_your_fa.html , http://www.thedesignconspiracy.com/ , http://www.youtube.com/thedesignconspiracy , http://www.whatbrandareyou.com/